Security vulnerability in Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP occurs to discover new security flaw enabled hackers to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges up to kernel level!

How to disable and activate applications that run in the background on Online Mobile Nokia Lumia Windows Phone

Here's a way to disable the activation of applications that run in the background on Online Mobile Nokia Lumia Windows Phone:
1 - from the front of the metro Settings
2- Applications
3- Background tasks
4 - Select the program to be activated or deactivated by pressing it

Virus in Yahoo Ads Network !!!

Yahoo confirms offer announcement published on their viruses, and the company said in a statement that it introduced a declaration on its network ad is designed to spread viruses and malware, and added that it was able to delete the Declaration
And will continue to monitor and block any announcement does the same work.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمدونةTOPSoft2014

تطوير :Rami